7 Reasons Why Everything You’re Doing is Perfect and It’s Life’s Fault You Don’t Have What You Want

Success is waiting for you
Success is waiting for you. Can you see it? Maybe you’re not looking hard enough. 

1. Your destructive behavior has been found to not completely debilitate like one or two successful famous people.

Steve Jobs was an asshole.  Bill Gates has OCD.  Your mom is left handed.   Look, they’re successful and you have similar tendencies so you’ll be successful, too.


2.   Your acting/modeling/singing career is just a matter of running into the right person, which is gonna happen… soon.

At some point that all star producer is going to be walking by you in the mall/on the street/chillin in your living room and he’s gonna stop and exclaim ” There it is!  The look/sound/talent I’ve been searching for!!! Sign here immediately before I have to go back to LA to see that same boring perfect ten over and over again.”

3. Success is about attitude not action

You’re like the most positive person in the world… unless you’re talking about work, or other people. BUT when it comes to your future you are like super positive, and life rewards positive energy with positive results. Life is about opening yourself up to positive channels, and no one is more open than you, unless you actually have to do something. Things are hard.

4. Trying TOO hard is just as bad as not trying

Hard work leads to stress which leads to high blood pressure and a lack of sleep, which leads to health risks which leads to DEATH.  And you still might not be a success.  It’s downright stupid to risk death for potentially nothing. So it’s best not to run the risk of going overboard.

5.  School has taught us that every problem has a solution and that you have all the necessary tools to solve it.

Your whole education has proven unequivocally that there’s only one right answer and that its at the end of the path of least resistance.  Which is totally how life works.    So make sure to keep following that path and accepting the first solution that appears in front of you.

6. The same actions don’t lead to the same results

Yeah you keep ending up in the same place over and over but that’s because of some random third party interference that seems to be different every time.  If life would just throw you a bone then every time you make that same decision you’d get the results you want and not that same mess over and over.  It’s not that you’re dating the wrong type of person it’s just that some one new keeps tempting them to cheat.  It’s not that you’re in the wrong company, it’s that the company keeps hiring the wrong people.  It’s not you, it’s a bunch of other stuff!

7. Success is money and you don’t have enough of it.

Just like wine isn’t good unless you know how much it costs, life can’t be enjoyed unless you spend a lot of money. Keep your sunsets, nature walks and good friends. You need a new car; but not just any new car, one that other people you know can’t afford. So why sit around long enough to realize you don’t NEED anything?! Spend your days thinking about things you want!

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